GAS a 2705/gazelleГАЗ-2705, ГАЗ-2705 "Kombi"Introduction + 1. Car nameplate data 2. Specifications and characteristics of cars 3. Controls and devices + 4. The engine + 5. Transmission + 6. A running gear + 7. A steering + 8. Brake system + 9. An electric equipment - 10. A car body Features of maintenance service of a body Body repair + Body replacement + Doors + Heating and body ventilation + 11. Car maintenance service + Appendices |
"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Car body>> Body repair Damages of components of a body are while in service possible: ruptures, cracks, dents, deformation of details. At repair of details of a body after tea leaves of cracks on an underside of a defective detail the local amplifier from a sheet steel in the thickness equal to a thickness of metal of the repaired detail should be welded. Welding seams should be carried out in a direction, perpendicular to a crack in a detail.
At damage of a paint and varnish covering a defective site of a surface clear of pollution by a skin, degrease uajt-spiritom and tint synthetic enamel of hot drying or nitroenamel. Synthetic enamel dry a reflector, and nitroenamel — on air not less than 1-2 ч.
Sites of considerable damage (to metal) before colouring by enamel cover краскораспылителем or a soft brush with ground ГФ-073 or НЦ-81 with the subsequent подсушкой on air during 1 ч. Before a first coat the damaged places wipe a napkin moistened in uajt-spirite. At damage of a film of a paint to a ground the polished and fat-free place tint only enamel. Опыл, received at colouring of a defective place, eliminate polishing manually by means of polishing paste. At damage of a covering of the bottom the damaged surface smooth out and coat with mastic БПМ-1 or № 579 or other anticorrosive mastics.