"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Running gear>> Naves of forward wheels

Fig. 6.20. A nave of a forward wheel: 1 — a brake disk; 2 — the internal bearing; 3 — figure of a rotary fist; 4 — a washer; 5 — a nut; 6 — a nave; 7 — a nave cap; 8 — the external bearing; 9 — an epiploon; 10 — a cover шкворня; 11 — a beam of a forward suspension bracket; 12 — a wedge; 13 — a bearing sealant; 14 — the persistent bearing; 15 — шкворень; 16 — a rotary fist; 17 — a sealing wheel; 18 — the plug шкворня; 19 — a press butterdish

Naves of forward wheels (fig. 6.20) rotate on two conic roller bearings 2 and 8 (fig. 6.20), established on a rotary fist. External rings of the bearing запрессованы in a nave, and internal are established on a fist freely. In a nave flange запрессовываются six bolts with which wheels fasten. Also on flanges the disk of 1 brake mechanism is established.
Naves of forward wheels demand periodic adjustment of bearings and greasing change according to the operation manual.