"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Electric equipment>> Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4061, ЗМЗ-4063>> Starter
Engine start-up is carried out by means of a starter 42.3708-10 with the electromagnetic traction relay. The starter is established on the right side of the engine on картере couplings.
Starter — the two-port electric motor of a direct current with electromagnetic excitation. A starter food is carried out from the storage battery.

Fig. 9.70. A starter 42.3708-10: 1 — a cover from outside a drive; 2 — the lever; 3 — a lever axis; 4 — the core of the traction relay; 5 — a rod of the traction relay; 6 — a spring returnable; 7 — the relay traction; 8 and 10 — plugs изоляторные; 9 — a plate contact; 11 and 17 — washers запорные; 12 — a ring sealing; 13 — a bolt compact; 14 — a cover of the traction relay, 15 — a hairpin coupling; 16 — a cap protective; 18 — a cover from outside a collector; 19 — a brush; 20 — the holder of brushes; 21 — a brush spring; 22 — щеткодержатель; 23 — the case; 24 — an excitation winding; 25 — a collector; 26 — an anchor; 27 — a support intermediate; 28 — a drive with roller муфтой a free wheeling; 29 — a gear wheel; 30 — a ring spring; 31 — the plug persistent

Fig. 9.71. The electric scheme of a starter: 1 — a starter; 2 — the starter switch; 3 — a winding keeping; 4 — a winding involved; 5 — a drive; 6 — an excitation winding; 7 — an anchor; 8 — a brush

The starter device is shown on fig. 9.70, and the electric scheme on fig. 9.71.
At turn of a key of the switch of ignition start-up position joins an electric chain of the additional relay of type 711.3747-02 through which contacts a food arrives from the storage battery in the traction relay. The anchor of the traction relay under the influence of an electromagnetic field of two windings of the relay is involved and by means of the lever enters into gearing a gear wheel and in the end of a course includes an electric chain of a starter, simultaneously having disconnected involving winding of the relay.
After engine start-up it is necessary to release a key of the switch of ignition immediately. The chain of the additional relay both the traction relay and a starter will thus be opened will be switched off under the influence of a returnable spring.
Starter technical characteristics
Rated voltage, В.... 12
Number of teeths of gear wheels of a drive of a starter..... 9
The gear wheel module..... 2,11
Rated power (with the battery in capacity 55А), kw..... 1,7
Idling mode at pressure 12В:
Force of a consumed current no more, А.... 75
Frequency of rotation, mines-1..... 5000
Mode of full braking at a food of a starter from the battery pressure 12 In and capacity 55 And:
Force of a consumed current, no more, А.... 520
Twisting moment, not less, кгс·м..... 1,6
Pressure of inclusion of the main contacts of the traction relay at a lining between a gear wheel and a persistent ring of 11 mm, no more, В.... 8
Force of a tension of springs of brushes, Н.... 10—14
Starter maintenance service
At the next seasonal service of the car after run of 100 000 km it is necessary to remove a starter from the engine, to spend its dismantling and survey («starter Repair» see).
The starter consumes the big current, therefore even insignificant transitive resistance in its chain can lower capacity of a starter.
To check up serviceability of the wires connecting the storage battery with a starter and the block of the engine.
Starter repair
The starter which is subject to repair, it is necessary to remove and disassemble.
For starter removal:
- To disconnect the storage battery;
- To disconnect wires from the traction relay of a starter;
- To turn away bolts of fastening of a starter to картеру couplings and to remove it (lowering downwards).
Starter details are necessary for clearing carefully of a dirt and necessarily to check up. The damaged and worn out details should be replaced by the new.
For starter dismantling:
- To turn away two screws and to remove a protective cap 16 (fig. 9.70 see);
- To remove запорную a washer 17 and a persistent washer;
- To turn on two nuts of coupling hairpins 15;
- To uncover 18 from outside a collector;
- To take out brushes 19 of щеткодержателей. Brushes and щеткодержатели to number, that at assemblage they have been established on the places;
- To remove the holder of brushes 20;
- To remove the traction relay 7;
- To remove the case 23 starters;
- To remove an axis 3 levers of a drive. Preliminary to notice position of an axis concerning a cover;
- To take out an anchor 23 together with a drive 28 and to remove from a pin of a shaft of an anchor adjusting washers from outside a drive;
- To shift the persistent plug 31 on a shaft of an anchor towards a gear wheel;
- To remove a spring ring 30 under the persistent plug, then to remove the persistent plug, a drive 28 and an intermediate support 27;
- If necessary to turn away screws of fastening of poles and to remove excitation windings.
The control of details of a starter
The case

Fig. 9.60. The scheme of a control lamp with the storage battery: 1 — the storage battery; 2 — a control lamp capacity of 1-5 Vt; 3 — the probe

Fig. 9.72. Check of coils of excitation of a starter on short circuit with the case

By means of a control lamp (fig. 9.60) or device E236 to check up absence of short circuit of coils of excitation on the case (fig. 9.72 see). For this purpose it is necessary to connect a control lamp to the case and a conclusion located on the case. If the lamp burns, isolation of coils of excitation is damaged.
In this case it is necessary to number poles of coils, to turn away screws of fastening of poles and to remove excitation windings. The damaged places of isolation to repair изоляционной a tape. After that poles and coils to put into place. Screws of poles закернить.
The holder of brushes

Fig. 9.73. Check isolated щеткодержателей a starter on short circuit with the case

Control lamp (fig. 9.60) or device E236 to check up absence of short circuit isolated щеткодержателей on the case (fig. 9.73 see). In case of short circuit it is necessary to replace изоляционные linings of rivets щеткодержателя. Rocking щеткодержателем is not supposed. Brushes in щеткодержателях should move freely, without jammings. The brushes which have been worn out to height of 6-7 mm to replace.
For check щеточных springs it is necessary to establish the holder of brushes on an anchor collector. To establish brushes into place and to check up a dynamometer effort of springs. The effort should be 1000—1400 гс at the moment of a separation of a spring from a brush. The ends щеточных springs should press the brush middle.
Cover from outside a drive
To check up a condition of the plug (bearing). In case of need in a cover to establish the new plug, which diameter of an aperture after запрессовки and expansions should be 12,5+0,035 mm with a roughness of processing Ra = 2,5.
Cover from outside a collector
To check up the plug of a cover and in case of deterioration to replace. Diameter of an aperture of the new plug after запрессовки and development should be 12,5+0,035 mm with a roughness of processing Ra = 2,5.
Intermediate support
To check up the plug and in case of deterioration to replace. Diameter of an aperture of the plug after запрессовки and expansions should be 19,2+0,1 mm with a roughness of processing Ra = 2,5.

Fig. 9.74. Check of a winding of an anchor on absence of short circuit with магнитопроводом

Control lamp (fig. 9.60 see) or device E236 to check up on absence of short circuit of a winding of an anchor on магнитопровод anchors (fig. 9.74). For this purpose it is necessary to connect one end to any of ламелей a collector, and another to магнитопроводу anchors. The lamp should not to burn. Attentively to examine an anchor. The front part of a winding of an anchor should be on diameter of less package of iron. The increased diameter of a front part of a winding specifies in its "rating". Such anchor is subject to replacement. The ends of wires of windings should be reliably soldered to a collector. The anchor should be checked up on device E236 on absence витковых short circuits. In case of detection of short circuit an anchor to replace.
The anchor collector should be pure. In case of a considerable roughness of a collector or выступания isolation it should be pierced on a lathe. After проточки it is necessary to grind a collector a skin granularity 100 to roughness Ra = 1,25.
Palpation of a collector concerning a shaft pin should not exceed 0,05 mm. Palpation of a package of iron of an anchor concerning shaft pins should not exceed 0,25 mm. Simultaneously it is necessary to check up absence of a deflection of a shaft as the deflection can appear the reason of jamming of a drive on шлицевой shaft parts. If on an anchor shaft, in that place where the starter gear wheel rotates, there is a yellow touch from the bearing it should be removed a small skin. Presence of a yellow touch often leads to gear wheel jamming on a shaft after start-up of the engine and to "rating" of a winding of an anchor.
Starter drive
Starter drive examine outside and check on absence of proslipping. The drive should freely, without jammings to move on шлицевой shaft parts. At strong deterioration of plugs (bearings) of a drive it is necessary to replace them. Diameter of an aperture of new plugs after запрессовки and development should be within 14+0,06 mm with a roughness of surface Ra = 1,25.
At deduction of an anchor the gear wheel should rotate freely clockwise. Counter-clockwise the gear wheel should rotate only together with an anchor. Check муфты a free wheeling on proslipping is made at test of a starter for full braking at loading 1,6 кгс·м.
The traction relay
Serviceability of involving and keeping windings is necessary for checking up by means of an ohmmeter or to measure resistance by means of the voltmeter and the ampermeter. Resistance of an involving winding should be 0,27+0,01 Ohms, and a keeping 1,04 Ohm; in case of malfunction of windings it is necessary to replace the traction relay. Klemmovye bolts of the switch of a starter should be smoothed out, and at their strong burning out to turn on 180 ° about the axis. At strong deterioration of its contact plate it is necessary to turn not worn out party to contacts.
The core of the traction relay in the case should move freely.
After check and replacement of all worn out or damaged details the starter can be collected.
Starter assemblage
Starter assemblage is made in an order, the return to dismantling. Thus it is necessary:
- Before assemblage to grease bearings of a pin and шлицевую a part of a shaft with oil for the engine;

Fig. 9.75. The adaptation for clothing of a spring ring: 1 — an anchor shaft; 2 — the plug directing, 3 — a ring spring; 4 — a pusher

- If the spring ring 30 (fig. 9.70 see) anchors has deformation, to replace its new or to correct; for ring clothing use the adaptation shown on fig. 9.75;
- The persistent plug 31 with проточкой is put on an anchor shaft from outside a drive проточкой towards the cover bearing;
- On a shaft from outside a collector the steel washer is established;
- At a definitive inhaling of coupling hairpins it is necessary to combine pins and grooves on covers and the case;
- To check up size axial люфта an anchor which should be about 0,8 mm.
After assemblage to check up starter work at the stand. At inclusion of a starter the drive should move on шлицевой parts of a shaft without jammings and come back in a starting position under the influence of a returnable spring. At gear wheel turn by hand clockwise the anchor should not get under way from a place. At return rotation the gear wheel should rotate together with shaft.
Starter adjustment

Fig. 9.76. Gauging of position of a gear wheel of a drive in the switched off condition

If necessary to make check and starter adjustment. The external end face of a gear wheel should be in the switched off position on distance no more than 21,5 mm from привалочной planes of a flange of a starter (fig. see of 9.76 size).

Fig. 9.78. Gauging of a backlash from an end face of a gear wheel to the persistent plug at the included traction relay

Pиc. 9.77. The scheme of inclusion of a starter for adjustment check

To check up a full start of a gear wheel at the included traction relay. For this purpose to include the traction relay under the scheme shown on fig. 9.77. Thus the distance between an end face of a gear wheel and the persistent plug should be 4+1 mm (fig. 9.78 see). This backlash is regulated by turn эксцентриковой axes 3 levers of a drive (fig. 9.70 see). After adjustment to tighten an axis nut.
Control check of a starter
Serviceability of a starter, correctness of its assemblage and adjustment define starter check idling and starter check at full braking.
For starter check are necessary: a low-voltage source (or well charged storage battery); the voltmeter of a direct current with a scale from 0 to 30 In; the ampermeter of a direct current with the shunt to 500 A; a tachometre with a scale to 10 000 mines-1.

Fig. 9.79. The electric scheme of inclusion of a starter at check idling: 1 — a starter, 2 — the traction relay, 3 — the switch, 4 — the ampermeter, 5 — the voltmeter, 6 — the storage battery

The scheme of inclusion of a starter at test is idling shown on fig. 9.79. The Current strength and frequency of rotation of a shaft of an anchor at test idling measure through 30 with the ambassador of inclusion of a starter.
The starter is considered passed test idling if at pressure 12 In it consumes a current no more than 75 And and develops frequency of rotation not less than 5000 mm-1.
At hard rotation of a shaft of the anchor, caused usually warps as a result of wrong assemblage of a starter or задевания anchors for poles, and also at short circuit between coils, the starter consumes a current большей forces at frequency of rotation less than the specified. Small force of a consumed current and the lowered frequency of rotation of a shaft of an anchor at normal pressure on starter clips testify to bad contact in connections of wires in a starter or about the lowered tension of springs of brushes.
Starter check at full braking is necessary for spending at stand E242.
The serviceable starter at a food from completely charged accumulator room of the battery consumes a current no more than 520 And at pressure not less than 8 In and develops the moment approximately 1,6 кгс·мм. If a consumed current above 520 And, and the brake moment more low 1,6 кгс·м it specifies in malfunction of a winding of an anchor or an excitation winding. If the size of the brake moment and force of a consumed current below normal, at normal pressure on starter clips specifies it in bad contacts in a starter or on a weak tension of springs of brushes. The lowered pressure on starter clips (less than 8) specifies in bad contacts in wires or on malfunction of the battery. At gear wheel loading the brake moment, муфта a free wheeling should not revolve