"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Running gear>> Suspension bracket>> Possible malfunctions of a spring suspension bracket of the car and ways of their elimination
Possible malfunctions of a spring suspension bracket of the car and ways of their elimination
Cause of defect
Way of elimination
Frequent <breakdowns> of a suspension bracket
The car is overloaded
Not to suppose a car overload
Breakage of sheets of a spring
To replace a spring or the broken sheets
Residual deformation of sheets of springs or one of them (springs <have given>)
To replace a spring or springs
<Breakdowns> are accompanied by metal knock
The restrictive buffer or buffers is lost or damaged
To establish the new buffer or buffers
The car <conducts> aside
Displacement of the back bridge concerning a spring because of easing of an inhaling of nuts of step-ladders
To weaken step-ladders, to put the bridge into place and to tighten step-ladders
Displacement of radical sheet at destruction центрового a bolt
To replace центровой a bolt
Breakage of radical sheet
To replace radical sheet
Car list in one party
Breakage of sheets of a spring
To replace springs or single sheets