"Gazelle" Gas-2705>> Electric equipment>> Electric equipment of cars with engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026>> Illumination and the light alarm system
Headlights in the structure have:
- Lamps of dimensional light;
- Lamps of indexes of turn;
- Passing light lamps;
- Headlight lamps;
- Adjusting devices (for initial installation of headlights);
- The elektronno-mechanical proof-reader (for adjustment of an angle of slope of a bunch of near and far light depending on car loading).
Inclusion of a dimensional set and light of headlights is carried out by the central switch of headlights. Switching of light of headlights (distant-near) and inclusion of indexes of turn is carried out подрулевым by the switch.

Fig. 3.2. The proof-reader of headlights: 1 — маховичок the block

Fig. 9.35. A headlight: 1 — рассеиватель; 2 — a cartridge of a lamp of the index of turn; 3 — the adjustment handle in a horizontal plane; 4 — a cover of a lamp of a passing light; 5 — a nest for adjustment in a vertical plane; 6 — a socket of wires; 7 — a cover of a lamp of a headlight; 8 — the headlight case; Н1 — a headlight lamp; Н7 — a passing light lamp; РУ21W — a lamp of the index of turns; W5W — a lamp of dimensional light

Initial position of headlights is established by handles 3 and 5 (fig. 9.35). For adjustment of headlights depending on car loading in headlights the elektronno-mechanical proof-readers allowing the driver to change an angle of slope of a bunch of near and far light are established. Change of an inclination of a light bunch is carried out маховичком 1 (fig. 3.2 see) special electronic block on the panel of devices.
At not loaded car figure "0" on the management handle should be combined with a label «–» on the case of the block of management.
At completely loaded car «–» it is necessary to combine with a label:
- Figure "1" on the handle for buses on 8 (9) passenger places;
- Figure "2" for motor vans and buses on 12 (13) passenger places.
Updating of a corner of a light bunch of headlights carry out change of position of reflectors of headlights of the electric motor with reducers and the watching system, established in cases of headlights. At turn маховичка the management block a food in electric motors which through reducers turn reflectors of headlights on a certain corner moves.
The angle of rotation of reflectors is defined and supervised by gauges of watching system depending on position of the block of management.

Fig. 9.36. A marking of the screen for adjustment of headlights: And — headlights with marks «AL» on рассеивателе; In — headlights with marks «ОСВАР» on рассеивателе; h — height of the centre of a passing light of headlights on the car; V — V — a car axis

Adjustment of headlights is necessary for making by means of the screen (fig. 9.36) in a following order:
- To check up pressure in tyres, if necessary to finish it to norm;
- To establish not loaded car on distance of 5 m from the screen;
- To turn the handle of management of the electronic proof-reader in position «0»;
- To include a passing light;
- To adjust light bunches the handle 3 (fig. 9.35 see) and a crosswise screw-driver through a nest 5 serially for each headlight.
At the adjusted headlights the horizontal site of light-to-dark border should be combined with a line X — X (fig. 9.36), inclined sites of light-to-dark border should correspond pис. 9.36А (with marks on рассеивателе «АL») and fig. 9.36 In (with marks on рассеивателе «ОСВАР»), and points of intersection horizontal and the beginnings of inclined sites of light-to-dark border — with lines G — G and D — D.
While in service it is necessary to watch serviceability of lamps. With the darkened flasks it is necessary to replace lamps.
For replacement of lamps of near and far light and a dimension it is necessary to remove covers 4 and 7 — fig. 9.35 see (on a part of headlights these covers can be united in one. For its removal to turn the spring holder).
For replacement of lamps of indexes of turn to turn a cartridge of 2 lamps.

1. Рассеиватели block headlights with marks «ОСВАР» are executed from plastic, their clearing of a dust and a dirt with use various топлив, other active substances and liquids, and also dry пpoтирка brushes and rags therefore is inadmissible.
2. At installation in a headlight галогенной lamps it is impossible to concern with fingers of a flask in order to avoid decrease in a light stream or flask destruction while in service.

The central switch of light
The central switch of light has three fixed positions. At moving of a rod it should be fixed accurately. The effort of moving of a rod should be within 10—45 Н (1,0—4,5 кгс).
Maintenance service
Switch check is made by means of a control lamp under the scheme of an electric equipment of the car. In positions I and II rod and its turn the lamp 3 clockwise should light up; at rod turn counter-clockwise the lamp 3 should reduce the brightness, and at an emphasis to die away.
The power failure size on switch conclusions should not exceed 0,01 In at loading 1,0 And.
The switch of indexes of turn, light of headlights and звукового* a signal
The direction of turn of the car is underlined blinking light in forward and back indexes of turn. Inclusion of indexes of turn is carried out by the switch located under a steering wheel. At lever moving indexes of the right turn, downwards — left upwards join. Lever moving on itself or from itself carries out switching of light of headlights. Lever moving on itself in unstable position carries out short-term inclusion of headlights (for сигнализаиии).
At moving of the handle along a lever axis joins sound сигнал*.

* On a part of cars the sound signal joins the switch of a screen wiper and стеклоомывателя.

The switch consists of the mechanical drive providing manual inclusion, and the switch intended for connection of electric chains of alarm lamps with a source of a current.
At combustion of a spiral of one of alarm lamps frequency of blinkings of a lamp of a signalling device increases twice.
Maintenance service

Fig. 9.37. The scheme of connection of contacts of the switch of indexes of turn and light in various positions of the handle: 0 — all is switched off, I and III — turn indexes (without handle fixings) are included, II and IV — turn indexes (with handle fixing), V — is included the passing light of headlights, VI — is included a headlight of headlights, VII — the alarm system by a headlight of headlights (without fixing) is included; And and — an arrangement of tips in соединительныx колодках

Infringement of clearness of inclusion and absence of light in turn indexes can result подгорания from switch contacts, and also owing to malfunctions of lamps and their cartridges. For elimination of malfunctions be preliminary convinced in good repair lamps and their cartridges. Change of lamps to make only at the switched off switch of indexes of turn and the switched off switch of the alarm system. Check correctness of work of switches 3302.3709100 and 1102.3769 c the help of a control lamp under schemes of connections, according to shown on fig. 9.37 and 9.38.

Fig. 9.38. The scheme of connection of contacts of the switch of indexes of turn, light and a sound signal: 0 — all is switched off (pressing the button on an arrow the sound signal in all positions of the handle), I joins and III — turn indexes (without handle fixing), II are included and IV — turn indexes (with handle fixing), V are included — the passing light of headlights is included, VI — the headlight of headlights is included, VII — the alarm system by a headlight of headlights, And and — an arrangement of tips in connecting колодках is included

The effort of moving of the lever should be in limits 5—25 Н (0,5—2,5 кгс). The Power failure on conclusions should be no more than 0,3 In at a current 5 And.
If the switch works incorrectly, replace it.

Fig. 9.44. The scheme of stock-taking of pressure in колодке the relay of indexes of turn: 1 — a control lamp; 2 — a socket of a plait of wires

The breaker of indexes of turn and the alarm system 494.3747
The breaker of indexes of turn and the alarm system is applied to creation of a faltering operating mode of indexes of turn 494.3747. The breaker provides a faltering operating mode of alarm lamps with frequency (90±30) cycles in a minute. The breaker has function of the control of serviceability of alarm lamps. At перегорании or absence of contact on one of alarm lamps at inclusion of indexes of turn the breaker provides a faltering operating mode of a control lamp with frequency 240± (30) cycles in a minute.
Maintenance service

Fig. 9.39. The scheme of check of the breaker of indexes of turn: 1 — the switch simulating malfunction of a lamp; 2 — lamps А12-21; 3 — the breaker of indexes of turn; 4 — a control lamp; 5 — the storage battery; 6 — lamp А12-5

The breaker concerns not repaired products. Serviceability of the breaker should be checked under the scheme on fig. 9.39. If alarm lamps do not burn, burn constantly or not with the specified frequency, it is necessary to replace.
The stoplight switch

Fig. 9.40. Check of the switch of a stoplight

The stoplight switch is established sideways from a brake pedal. Serviceability of the switch can be checked up by means of a control lamp under the scheme on fig. 9.40. At выступании a switch rod on 15 mm the control lamp should burn, and by pressing a rod (выступание 10,5 mm) the lamp should die away. The power failure on switch conclusions should be no more than 0,1 In at a current 6 And.
The faulty switch to replace. At installation of the new switch to adjust its installation on an arm. Alarm lamps of a stoplight should light up only after a choice of a free wheeling of a pedal.
The switch of light of a backing

Fig. 9.41. The switch of light of a backing: 1 — a conclusion; 2 — a spring; 3 — an insulator; 4 — a contact plate; 5 — the case; 6 — a pusher; 7 — a ball

The switch of light of a backing (fig. 9.41) serves for automatic inclusion of light at movement by a backing. The switch is established in a transmission and mechanically connected to the gear change lever. At corresponding position of the lever the switch connects a chain of lanterns of a backing to a current source.
During operation it is necessary to check reliability of fastening of the switch periodically. It is possible to do switch check by means of a control lamp. The lamp should light up at a course of a ball of 1-2 mm. The faulty switch to replace.
The alarm system switch

Fig. 9.42. The scheme of the switch of the alarm system and its check by means of lamps: 1, 3 and 4 — control lamps; 2 — the alarm system switch; 5 — the storage battery

The switch of the alarm system 24.3710 is checked under the scheme on fig. 9.42. In the switched off position the lamp 1, in the included position — 1, 3 and 4, and also in the switch handle should burn.
If one of lamps does not burn in corresponding position, replace the switch.