GAS a 2705/gazelle
ГАЗ-2705, ГАЗ-2705
1. Car nameplate data
2. Specifications and characteristics of cars
3. Controls and devices
4. The engine
Engines ZMZ-4025,-4026
Engines UMZ-4215S *, УМЗ-42150*
Head of cylinders
The krivoshipno-shatunnyj mechanism
The gazoraspredelitelnyj mechanism
Greasing system
Ventilation system
, a depression regulator
Cooling system
The power supply system
рециркуляции the
fulfilled gases
System of release of the fulfilled gases
Diagnostics of a technical condition of the engine. Possible malfunctions of the engine
Engine repair
Engines ZMZ-4061, ЗМЗ-4063
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A car body
11. Car maintenance service
"Gazelle" Gas-2705
The engine
Engines UMZ-4215S *, УМЗ-42150*
рециркуляции the
fulfilled gases
The system
рециркуляции the
fulfilled gases is similar to system of engines ZMZ-4025, ЗМЗ-4026, considered in the present management.